My wife is now at 15 weeks. The baby has now grown to about 4 inches long, the size of an apple from head to bottom! They say the baby can now sense light, and you can shine a flashlight close to her belly towards where the uterus is and you may be able to sense the baby moving away from the beam. Well we tried it, didn't work, and then we stopped due to an irrational fear of harming our baby with a flashlight. Needless to say we are worried about the health of the baby these days and are watching everything very closely. My wife has also been starting to feel the baby this soon! At first she said it felt like a marble rolling around inside her, but yesterday she said while at work it felt like a little fist punching her insides! That made me laugh.
Her nausea is decreasing but she still takes a combination of half of a 25mg of Unisom sleeping pill with a vitamin B6. The doctor says it can help with the nausea and she thinks it seems to be working. Her belly keeps getting bigger and bigger which is surprising how fast she is showing. She is not a vain person but jokingly says she's getting fat. I keep telling her she's not fat, she's pregnant, there's a difference. Besides, she looks even more beautiful with new curves and a beautiful belly that she didn't have before. I love her more ever day, but with the love also comes stress.
These days I'm more stressed out than ever. It's because of uncertainty. I'm uncertain about my growing baby and knowing it's not yet "viable" yet like websites say, that is able to survive if something went wrong (I think it becomes viable in a month or so). I'm also uncertain about pending fatherhood. I know I have it within me to be a great father but I know I have so much to learn it's overwhelming. Lastly, money is also a source of stress as we are still unsure how much time both of us can get off work and how to pay for any uncompensated time off. But I have to remember to breathe. One step at a time. I do have faith that everything will work out for the best. I know if times get tough, we will get tougher, that's just the kind of people that we are.
Well that's all for now, next week my baby will be the size of an Avocado! Oh no, suddenly I just got a craving for guacamole, just what I need, more cravings! Speaking of cravings I think my sympathy weight has leveled off at around 14 pounds so far, but I'll weigh myself and give an update next week just to be sure.
See What's Happening Inside the Fetus this Week
See how big my baby is getting week by week, now it's an Apple!
15 weeks, 2nd trimester, baby, Father, Man perspective, Men pregnancy, morning sickness, pregnancy, sympathy weight
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Can you have an only child and avoid making them a spoiled brat?
So my wife and I were talking last night and she was talking about how sick she felt and how she already is feeling like she doesn't want to do this again. So we started talking about the age old question of having an only child or having more. So I started thinking why not have an only child? Shortly after I asked this question on Yahoo Answers
Yahoo Question asked 10/17/2011
Q: Can you have an only child and avoid making them a spoiled brat?
My wife is 14 weeks pregnant (2nd trimester) and she already is saying she doesn't want to go through it again. Just wondering if anyone knows of evidence that there's a parenting style that can avoid spoiling an only child? I think know the basics, teach them humility, a good work ethic, don't give them everything they want, socialize them with other kids, etc.
A: Best Answer I chose- Mrs. Bliss: You are at no extra risk of spoiling an only child. Simply having more of everything to give to one child does not make a child spoiled. At the root of spoiling a child is a parent that does everything for the child. This begins with a child that has no responsibilities - tidying up toys, helping to tidy his/her bedroom, helping with small tasks, basic cleaning up after oneself - and a parent that does everything for the child. From the time my children were old enough to pull out their toys (about 9-10 months) I would involved them in tidying up the mess. They just sat there and watched but I was specific with them, "let's tidy the toys before lunch!" and then thank them for helping. As they got older they started helping more and more. Ensure the child helps with reasonable things and does things for him/herself. Parents with multiple children can still fall into this trap of spoiling.
Also think if ways you can use yourself and you wife as a substitute for a sibling. Let's say every Friday night is movie night. Have the child pick the movie one week and then the parents the next week. Obviously you will pick a movie appropriate for the child but the point is to teach the child that he/she must accept the choice of someone else. Do the same thing with restaurants, days out (you picked the zoo last month so this month we are going to a museum that mom likes), and even dinner options. Think about ways that you can teach an only child about getting to make choices sometimes but allowing other to choose at times.
Other Answers:
Superguy: Of course. With an only child you as a parent can spend more time with them.
Bubs: I'm an only child and I don't consider myself a spoiled brat, just go with good principles and don't actually spoil them, make sure they know they need to earn things. that said, don't trust your wife's word now, she may change her mind after the baby is born, when I was pregnant with my second child I told my hubby never again, an hour after she was born I had decided we would have another.
Ozboz48: There is no evidence that only children are spoiled. You raise them the same way you raise a larger family. Boundaries, responsibility, and lots of love.
Doom: As long as they learn things like sharing and good manners, then everyone should be fine.
Mrs. Bliss: You are at no extra risk of spoiling an only child. Simply having more of everything to give to one child does not make a child spoiled. At the root of spoiling a child is a parent that does everything for the child. This begins with a child that has no responsibilities - tidying up toys, helping to tidy his/her bedroom, helping with small tasks, basic cleaning up after oneself - and a parent that does everything for the child. From the time my children were old enough to pull out their toys (about 9-10 months) I would involved them in tidying up the mess. They just sat there and watched but I was specific with them, "let's tidy the toys before lunch!" and then thank them for helping. As they got older they started helping more and more. Ensure the child helps with reasonable things and does things for him/herself. Parents with multiple children can still fall into this trap of spoiling.
Also think if ways you can use yourself and you wife as a substitute for a sibling. Let's say every Friday night is movie night. Have the child pick the movie one week and then the parents the next week. Obviously you will pick a movie appropriate for the child but the point is to teach the child that he/she must accept the choice of someone else. Do the same thing with restaurants, days out (you picked the zoo last month so this month we are going to a museum that mom likes), and even dinner options. Think about ways that you can teach an only child about getting to make choices sometimes but allowing other to choose at times.
peanut 2: Yes, every mother says during her pregnancy and labour she will never go through that again. After the birth, many change their minds so she may too.
But of course, she may not.
But being an only child doesnt make a child spolied.
Not having boundarys and getting everything they want without earning it etc does.
You can give them the things they want, as long as they appreciate it and dont take it for granted. Its only when they start expecting things and getting in a strop if they dont get what they want they become spoilt
Susan: As your child gets older, you will face peer pressure from both other parents and their children. The best tool for NOT spoiling is the word NO. We live in a culture of yes-parenting (not wanting to say no to our children or see them unhappy for a single second). Saying NO is one of the many ways to avoid raising a spoiled child. More in my book, The Case for the Only Child. Susan Newman, Ph.D.
The Book of NO: 250 Ways to Say It--and Mean It; see at or at Psychology Today Singletons Blog,
Read these articles:
Men: If Your Wife is Pregnant, these tips could save your life
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Yahoo Question asked 10/17/2011
Q: Can you have an only child and avoid making them a spoiled brat?
My wife is 14 weeks pregnant (2nd trimester) and she already is saying she doesn't want to go through it again. Just wondering if anyone knows of evidence that there's a parenting style that can avoid spoiling an only child? I think know the basics, teach them humility, a good work ethic, don't give them everything they want, socialize them with other kids, etc.
A: Best Answer I chose- Mrs. Bliss: You are at no extra risk of spoiling an only child. Simply having more of everything to give to one child does not make a child spoiled. At the root of spoiling a child is a parent that does everything for the child. This begins with a child that has no responsibilities - tidying up toys, helping to tidy his/her bedroom, helping with small tasks, basic cleaning up after oneself - and a parent that does everything for the child. From the time my children were old enough to pull out their toys (about 9-10 months) I would involved them in tidying up the mess. They just sat there and watched but I was specific with them, "let's tidy the toys before lunch!" and then thank them for helping. As they got older they started helping more and more. Ensure the child helps with reasonable things and does things for him/herself. Parents with multiple children can still fall into this trap of spoiling.
Also think if ways you can use yourself and you wife as a substitute for a sibling. Let's say every Friday night is movie night. Have the child pick the movie one week and then the parents the next week. Obviously you will pick a movie appropriate for the child but the point is to teach the child that he/she must accept the choice of someone else. Do the same thing with restaurants, days out (you picked the zoo last month so this month we are going to a museum that mom likes), and even dinner options. Think about ways that you can teach an only child about getting to make choices sometimes but allowing other to choose at times.
Other Answers:
Superguy: Of course. With an only child you as a parent can spend more time with them.
Bubs: I'm an only child and I don't consider myself a spoiled brat, just go with good principles and don't actually spoil them, make sure they know they need to earn things. that said, don't trust your wife's word now, she may change her mind after the baby is born, when I was pregnant with my second child I told my hubby never again, an hour after she was born I had decided we would have another.
Ozboz48: There is no evidence that only children are spoiled. You raise them the same way you raise a larger family. Boundaries, responsibility, and lots of love.
Doom: As long as they learn things like sharing and good manners, then everyone should be fine.
Mrs. Bliss: You are at no extra risk of spoiling an only child. Simply having more of everything to give to one child does not make a child spoiled. At the root of spoiling a child is a parent that does everything for the child. This begins with a child that has no responsibilities - tidying up toys, helping to tidy his/her bedroom, helping with small tasks, basic cleaning up after oneself - and a parent that does everything for the child. From the time my children were old enough to pull out their toys (about 9-10 months) I would involved them in tidying up the mess. They just sat there and watched but I was specific with them, "let's tidy the toys before lunch!" and then thank them for helping. As they got older they started helping more and more. Ensure the child helps with reasonable things and does things for him/herself. Parents with multiple children can still fall into this trap of spoiling.
Also think if ways you can use yourself and you wife as a substitute for a sibling. Let's say every Friday night is movie night. Have the child pick the movie one week and then the parents the next week. Obviously you will pick a movie appropriate for the child but the point is to teach the child that he/she must accept the choice of someone else. Do the same thing with restaurants, days out (you picked the zoo last month so this month we are going to a museum that mom likes), and even dinner options. Think about ways that you can teach an only child about getting to make choices sometimes but allowing other to choose at times.
peanut 2: Yes, every mother says during her pregnancy and labour she will never go through that again. After the birth, many change their minds so she may too.
But of course, she may not.
But being an only child doesnt make a child spolied.
Not having boundarys and getting everything they want without earning it etc does.
You can give them the things they want, as long as they appreciate it and dont take it for granted. Its only when they start expecting things and getting in a strop if they dont get what they want they become spoilt
Susan: As your child gets older, you will face peer pressure from both other parents and their children. The best tool for NOT spoiling is the word NO. We live in a culture of yes-parenting (not wanting to say no to our children or see them unhappy for a single second). Saying NO is one of the many ways to avoid raising a spoiled child. More in my book, The Case for the Only Child. Susan Newman, Ph.D.
The Book of NO: 250 Ways to Say It--and Mean It; see at or at Psychology Today Singletons Blog,
Read these articles:
Men: If Your Wife is Pregnant, these tips could save your life
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Why is the economy so bad? Could it be due to a lack of innovation from the youngest generation? Read this article - "The New Economy Problem: Deficit of Innovation"
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brat, child, children, have, how, many, Men, not, only, parenting, pregnancy, should, spoil, spoiled, style
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Sunday, October 16, 2011
14 Weeks Pregnant: Morning Sickness is Diminishing, Total Sympathy Weight gained so far = 14 pounds! (1 pound per week)
The morning sickness is diminishing quickly. My wife still gets nauseous occasionally, but at least it's not every morning anymore. For about a month straight or more I would wake up to the sound of her vomiting in our bathroom. It made me sad because I couldn't fully relate. She needed cereal before she got out of bed every morning because the emptier her stomach was, the more she felt sick and this is still true today.
Now we're entering the 2nd trimester at 14 weeks and it seems to be getting better. Our sex life still isn't what it used to be but I'm not worried about it. I know that she doesn't want me when she feels like she might get sick on me and of course that doesn't sound too appealing to me either. I'm nothing if not understanding and am trying not to complain when she needs me. This is good practice for when the baby comes and my time is demanded significantly more.
I weighed myself at the clinic when we went to hear the heartbeat last week, and my current weight is 202 pounds up from 188 pounds when she got pregnant. That's 1 pound a week, WOW, I couldn't believe it! Now that's what they call sympathy weight. I have noticed I have been finding comfort in food more now that she's eating more and it makes her feel better. Perhaps it's psychological... either way I think I'll need to watch what I eat and exercise a bit more to regulate it more.
Now we're entering the 2nd trimester at 14 weeks and it seems to be getting better. Our sex life still isn't what it used to be but I'm not worried about it. I know that she doesn't want me when she feels like she might get sick on me and of course that doesn't sound too appealing to me either. I'm nothing if not understanding and am trying not to complain when she needs me. This is good practice for when the baby comes and my time is demanded significantly more.
I weighed myself at the clinic when we went to hear the heartbeat last week, and my current weight is 202 pounds up from 188 pounds when she got pregnant. That's 1 pound a week, WOW, I couldn't believe it! Now that's what they call sympathy weight. I have noticed I have been finding comfort in food more now that she's eating more and it makes her feel better. Perhaps it's psychological... either way I think I'll need to watch what I eat and exercise a bit more to regulate it more.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
13 Weeks Pregnant: Heard the Heartbeat
My baby sounded like a kettle drum in an echo chamber! It was beautiful how my baby girl, or boy sounded. (we find that out at 20 weeks) Next week my baby will be the size of a lemon! (about 3-1/2 inches from head to bottom) if you want to see a slideshow to get an idea of the size of your baby week by week from a poppy seed to a pumpkin go here.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Welcome to my Man's Pregnancy Sympathy Blog!
Welcome to baby in my baby! This is a blog telling the story of pregnancy and all the physical, mental, and emotional side effects from an emotionally in tune man's point of view. My name is Justin. I'm 30, married and my wife is now 13 Weeks pregnant with our first baby. The baby is the size of a medium sized shrimp. (there's a website that compares the baby size by week to things found in a kitchen, but I'll go into that more later)
So far I've learned it's hard to know what to do, think or feel half the time, but it's getting easier. She is starting to overcome the morning sickness (no more getting bowls of cereal in bed every morning) and is starting to show more and more all the time.
I'll talk about everything, I want this to be a learning experience for me and other guys out there. We have unique needs that sometimes go neglected (and I'm not just talking about sex by the way).
Either way I'm glad you're here and I hope this can be a learning experience. I'll post more soon.
So far I've learned it's hard to know what to do, think or feel half the time, but it's getting easier. She is starting to overcome the morning sickness (no more getting bowls of cereal in bed every morning) and is starting to show more and more all the time.
I'll talk about everything, I want this to be a learning experience for me and other guys out there. We have unique needs that sometimes go neglected (and I'm not just talking about sex by the way).
Either way I'm glad you're here and I hope this can be a learning experience. I'll post more soon.
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